Life as Japronika knows...: A stalker is loose!
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Wednesday, February 7

A stalker is loose!

Wassup peoples?! I'm back! And with one hell of a story!

So yesterday I was headed to visit some of my fam when I took a wrong turn somewhere. I then decided to turn around in one of the upcoming neighborhoods. As I drove around the colda sack a man with a hoodie tried to flag me down. The man was entering the passenger side of a Buick that was blocking a drive way that I was trying to pass. As I passed the car slowly, the guy looked like Ice Cold (If you don't know who Ice Cold is check back in my archives). I was totally stunned and sped off as quick as I could. Then the car began to follow me!

I was speeding down a main road(which you should never do) as fast as I could but this car was right on my tail. Luckily, another car cut him off and I was able to make a detour to my destination.

Creepy enough for ya? Try this. Ice cold's sentence was reduced to 6 months. He's been out since January. I know this isn't the last of him...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember Ice cold, I can't believe it. Do u think it was him, and that that was just a strange coincidence?

February 8, 2007 at 9:17 AM  

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