Life as Japronika knows...: March 2006
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Wednesday, March 29

Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to.

Sunday, March 19

"A woman is like a tea bag, you won`t know how strong she is until she`s put in hot water."

Saturday, March 11

Entice comes clean

The same night I received that disturbing call from that tactless female, Entice lays his cards out on the table. He finally tells the truth. He wasn't dating that chick, he only jumped her bones a few dozen times-that makes it all better. NOT! He lied to me. He's the one person I never expected it from. According to her, she's pregnant with his children. That is suspect. He says he's not with her but how did she get my # ? That is suspect as well. Being the pimp that I am, I didn't get upset-there was no reason 2. He wasn't my man and I already made that clear to him. He and I have been thru some tough things and this incident could not dissolve a life-long friendship...No matter how hard that bitch tried. He's still my folk, there's just no chance of us being together now. Especially with 3 mouths 2 feed on the way. He'll have his hands full.

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